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Gezellig Workshops 2022  - This year we are Playing alongside a very favourite story,



USE DISCOUNT CODE - YourAmazing2022


Lets celebrate 2022 and the future by getting together in Gezellig 2022. We are excited to be presenting this wonderful creative experience yet again in 2022.



2022 - Price is still £59


From the 3rd to the 29th of September to the 29th of October, you will join Jolene and Lucy in 8 weeks of –


weekly creative mixed media projects weekly story telling weekly self development projects Weekly Zoom meetups (This was a great highlight of 2021 )


All activities are designed to take you on a journey through the story told.


The Summer School is held in a private Facebook group, where there will be pre-recorded videos, alongside guidance from your tutors.


This group becomes a community, and everyone is welcome to show their art and speak about their experience of the self-development activities. Every week starts with the telling of a story. Each weekly mixed media project is in some way built around the theme of the story.


The self-development activities come later in the week, and Jolene who is a professional therapist creates projects that inspire you to look at life in a different way.


Together Lucy and Jolene spend a considerable amount of time deciding on the projects that they create in this mixed media offering. Gezellig Summer School is a creative offering like no other. We realise it can be hard to commit to a whole year, so we decided to make 8 weeks of very special projects that inspire and delight. Although we are in the group supporting for the full eight full weeks, the group remains active indefinitely so you can head over anytime to finish projects.


We would love you to join us for Gezellig 2022 ONLINE




Terms and conditions 

Gezellig is an 8 week course facilitated via a Facebook group and you will therefore need a Facebook account 


Once booked, this course is non refundable. It is however available ongoing and so all videos can be accessed after the July / august launch date 


Gezellig is a course that is structured around art work and self development, any one who is deemed to be using unhelpful methods of communication (this could be using judgemental terms, or using abusive language) will be immediately exited from the group.

Gezellig is a course that includes several creative workshopus and therefore uses a wide array of products, we do not in anyway expect you to purchase all and everything and will aim - when asked, to suggest an alternative.


Gezellig Workshops



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