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Collage papers - Why home made is best.

When I was a little girl, I would stand by the cooker as my nanny would stir strawberries until they were jam. No matter how many jars of red syrup solution i may buy in the shop - I have yet to find anything that competes with that wholesome bread coating yumminess that Elsie Hanchett prepared at the beginning of su every year. And just as home made was the best source of food, I have also come to the conclusion - that when it’s possible, my creative materials are always best when they are hand made.

There is something utterly delicious about collage - the ability to choose which pieces to use, and to not use - to have absolute authority over what makes its way into my art work. AND - the bonus of collage is that you are using painted papers that are already dry - red and green can happily sit next to each other because they won’t blend and make brown ……

Essentially collage really is the creative exercise that says “you are free to do what YOU want to do” - wooooooohooooooooo !!! After the last 2 years, I will confess it sounds just like what is needed. And this is why, I have chosen that my first class in the sketchbook club WILL be to carefully create, collate and construct some beautiful papers that I will use as collage work throughout the year - you will definitely see these repeating in my sketchbook over and over again. If you would like to be part of the sketchbook club, click on the link to subscribe - and remember - January is free when sign up Sketchbook c

lub is a monthly paid class to include 2 zoom sessions a month. Each zoom session is recorded and available for viewing up to 3 months.

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